Care Instructions - Picnic RugsUpdated 8 months ago
The top side of the rug is water resistant, so if you get to spills pretty quick there usually isn't a mark. If it's liquid, simply lift the rug and let it run off. For thicker substances, we recommend wiping off with a napkin or baby wipe quickly. If it does dry or become harder to remove, the rug is spot clean/ hand-wash only, your Picnic Rug is not designed to go in the washing machine. We suggest a small amount of laundry detergent on the spot, then rinse. You can lay down flat or on a clothes line and hose off for larger messes too. Grass or fur can be removed with a lint roller and sand can be brushed away with a bristle brush, and excess can be vacuumed. Before storing away, please ensure the rug is completely dry!